Monday, January 11, 2010

Organize me, Please!

Have you ever had a crazy, crazy span of time? Well, I am in the throws of crazy business travel right now. Mr Darcy and I have been traveling A LOT. We usually leave on Monday and return home on Thursday so that we can be home on the weekends, however last week we were gone Monday coming home Wednesday and then left Friday returning home Saturday. It was a crazy week, and next week will not be much better, the difference is that next week is strictly a pleasure trip. I will be traveling with my lovely parents to a wedding in California and they have agreed to let me tag along. We will be gone about 10 days (depending on the weather) and get back just in time for me to entertain company for a couple of days and then immediately hop a plane for Costa Rica (by immediately, I mean the day they leave, we leave). After arriving home we will then have 1 day at home and then run down to Vegas for the blessing of '10' my latest and greatest grandbaby.

Whew! just writing it has left me exhausted. Why did I just spill my guts to all you innocent bystanders? well, I will tell you. I am extremely disorganized, it is a natural state that I live in daily, but as part of my new goals, I want to change this part of my brain makeup. So I have written this out to try to get a handle on my next three weeks. I figured if I saw it in black and white it would give me a starting place, you know, kind of ground me a little. Unfortunately after rereading what I have written, all it leaves me with is a feeling of bewilderment and yes, exhaustion.

To all you wonderful people reading this, any suggestions on reworking my brain so that organization is not only natural but ...oh I don't know.... Fun, would be oh so appreciated! I would love your input and your suggestions. After reading your posts, and may I say you are amazing, I know that you all can help me with my issues, even if it is just to help me laugh at myself.

Now, while I wait for your pearls of wisdom, I think a nap is in order.

1 comment:

Momza said...

hmmm what about a dayplanner? rubberbands in different colors to represent different to-dos?
A nap? I hope to someday be in the season you are in...all the kids are gone and you can come and go as you please! Enjoy it---housecleaning can always does!

word verification: fasta as in, you can't go fasta than you have energy to!