Friday, May 7, 2010


What a concept.

We spend our days running to and fro
fixing, getting, making, ya know
trying to reach the pinnacle....
the top...capture the brass ring!

And then
for just a tiny fraction of a second,
a glimpse of eternal joy, happiness,
and composed chaos
finds it's way into our homes
disguised as sticky hands or muddy toes
and musical laughter

In that brief moment
we see the truth,
the reality of our purpose

and it is

sometimes we are blessed to
have the opportunity to
to be one
to share the love,
the joy,
the frustration

I am thankful for the love
that enters the room with
every 3 year old or
every 10 year old
or every 13 year old.
Their light is abundant
and I am shown the true meaning
of joy!

We are the luckiest ...
wouldn't you say?

And it all began with my Mr Darcy and me!
I love you Mr Darcy!
I love you Sissy, Ry-boy, Josephus, Nicodeem
I love you Sease, Tae, Anya, Faisy, Kader-monkey, Ky, Kaysia, Ty, Addie and Rodan.

My cup runneth oer'


Must Be Charmed said...

Beautiful family!

The Begay Family said...

That is an AWESOME looking family and such a LOVELY family pic!! Your family are so lucky to have you as their mother!! Happy Mother's Day!!

Momza said...

The picture is beautiful!
You're so right, Roxanne--
Family is everything...and look at you--right in the center of it!
Happy Mother's Day!

joe_missy said...

Well we love you! And are so grateful to be in your family! :) thanks for sharing your life with us.