Thursday, September 16, 2010

Change is good?

Okay, it has been a while since I posted anything and to be honest it has been just as long since I spent much time at all even looking at others blogs.

It has been CRAZY busy in my life this summer and I have spent the bulk of it on the road.  So you can imagine my surprise when I looked at my blog and found that photo bucket (whoever they are) had taken the place of all the cuteness of the blog background I had selected.  So, I have been attempting to change and redecorate my blog and I truly had a moment when I thought I had completely destroyed anything I had written over the past couple of years.  Whew, I was relieved when I accidentally found the old blog and was able to recreate and then change it.

Hopefully all who stop by can now see and read what is here.  Crossing my fingers on that one.

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