Friday, December 5, 2008


To all my blogging buddies out their in the cosmos, I want to make you all aware of a new book that has just been published and will be out in book stores in a couple of weeks. 'Miss Delacourt Speaks her Mind' is a new regency romance written by a first time published author Heidi Ashworth. This is a wonderful novel with witty writing and a catchy storyline that pulls the reader in and keeps them reading from the first page to the last. Those of you that find Jane Austen an author of interest will love this romp through the English countryside. Now a confession, I have not read this provocative novel yet, it is on my to do list as soon as it comes out, but I am personally acquainted with the author and with her writing techniques and capabilities and I have no qualms whatsoever in recommending this wonderful book that is fit for the entire families reading pleasure. You may also read a sample of Heidi's writing style on her blog Dunhaven Place. You may link over from my list of favorite blogs to visit.


Heidi said...

Roxanne, you rock! And you are entered, with three entries! (The link to Dunhaven Place is in the sidebar, people). I do have to say, however, that Miss D is already out (my editor surprised me!) and can be ordered on,,,,, and many other smaller dotcoms for immediate delivery. If you don't see it at your bookstore, you can order it. Thanks Roxanne!

Karen Mello Burton said...

Thanks for dropping by my blog. I hope you come back around sometime. It has fun getting to know Heidi online, and I am sure her cousins are just as cool! Take care :)

J+S said...

I'm interested to hear the follow up once you have read this novel.