Monday, January 5, 2009

Let me just say this

My wonderful My Darcy just came in and I read to him my previous post about my fabuloso Christmas Gift and he was afraid that I might be taken as a bragger for flaunting my ever so elegant gift. So I am adding something to apologize if it was taken as such. As I explained to Mr Darcy, I have not posted for a while (thank you Tracie Bug for the gentle nudge) and wanted to share my joy spillage for this amazing yet practical tool brought to me courtesy of my own Mr Darcy!

My Darling Mr Darcy


lvs2dance said...

Hooray for Mr. Darcy!
Thanks again for a yummy dinner last night. Love ya da bomb mom!

Heidi said...

So . . .. I'm waiting. For my dinner invite, o'course! Hey, you know what? I might be in Utah in April. I was nominated for a Whitney award and I am toying with the idea of going to the awards ceremony so I can watch Stephenie Meyer get the award for best romance instead of moi. Yup. Could be fun.

J+S said...

RBS, I miss you! It's this enthusiasm that I love so much.

Andrea - said...

So my post has nothing to do with your blog post. but you are right--you do have a darling Mr. Darcy.

I'm not really thinking about changing careers, but I am very interested in doula's for some reason. I signed up for a class last year and then got super, swamped busy and cancelled it. Being a doula sounds really cool. Thanks for your vote of confidence. It means a lot, and I really appreciate it.

Little GrumpyAngel said...

You made me smile with this one! Actually I think your Christmas gift is fabulous. I want one.

I hope you are having a great year so far. I haven't been blogging or blog surfing much lately, but I hope to drop by more now that the holidays are over :-)

Kimmie said...

Love your family picture! Glad to here that everyone is doing great.