Monday, May 18, 2009

Happy Happy Birthday Faisal Dear

Well, today was my little tiny Faisys birthday!!!!! He had a doggy party and it was doggone fun. Jenny went out of her way to make this an amazing birthday party for Fase. He had 5 of his friends come over for lunch and games and they actually got to be doggies for the afternoon. Jen made doggy ears for everyone and dog collars and painted everyone's nose, they were the cutest little doggies. There was also an amazing doggie birthday cake. How on earth did I give birth to such a genius daughter. I am so impressed as you will be when you see the pics.

Fase playing pin the collar on the Doggie

Kader Monkey loved the party and being a doggie!
So as you can see, this was just the doggonest best party evah, right faisy?


Momza said...

Perfect!! What an awesome cake too!
His smile says it all!

Super Angie Супер Энджи said...

How totally cute!

The Begay Family said...

You have such a HAPPY family!

Heidi said...

Oh! How! Cute!

syaf said...

he is cute! haha
happy belated birthday haha