The stance of a professional horseshoe thrower, My Mr Darcy 3 of my very talented family, 2 granddaughters and my dear Son-in-law (creator of Helga) The newlyweds taking an actual plunge My beautiful grandson enjoying the sun Mr Darcy and my dear brother in law
UGH! For some reason, I cannnot get your blog to load normally on my computer, so I hope you get this comment...and someday I hope actually to read our posts!
Okay, here are two different family trees that I had posted about on my blog, so I hope one of these is the right one. If not, just let me know and I'll keep looking!
1 comment:
UGH! For some reason, I cannnot get your blog to load normally on my computer, so I hope you get this comment...and someday I hope actually to read our posts!
Okay, here are two different family trees that I had posted about on my blog, so I hope one of these is the right one. If not, just let me know and I'll keep looking!
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