Thursday, September 10, 2009

Oh Baby!

Wow! There is just nothing like having your very own offspring (in this case a son) have his very own offspring to make you feel like a brand new person. Maybe it is because new life that springs forth from your bloodline is allowing a little bit of you to live on and on and on. Anywho, that is how I am feeling today. My newest tiny newborn grandbaby is doing BETTER and BETTER and I am so happy and grateful for that.

It is an interesting thing to be part of, this idea of generation after generation continuing on in an unbroken string. I truly do think that I will live forever, which in effect part of me will. And as I contemplate the beautiful grandchildren I have been blessed with, it is truly the best part of me that will live on.

With each new little one, comes that opportunity to try harder, to love with no conditions, to see through innocent eyes. A fresh start is ours to be had. What an adventure life is, what a gift to be enjoyed.

Who says you can't turn back the clock. Each new addition to my family makes me feel younger and invigorated and very alive. And if my kids keep up the pace, who knows, I just may live forever!

1 comment:

Momza said...

Awww...I'm totally eating my heart out over here! We've got 8 more weeks still until I become a Granma...I can't wait to meet our darling boy too.
So what's your newest addition's name & birthweight?
I'm so so so happy for you!